Strax innan Stockholm Furniture Fair i februari hade designern Alexander Lervik en utställning på Sven-Harrys konstmuseum i Stockholm. Utställningen hette Imaginations x 12 och balanserade mellan konst och design. 12 föremål framtagna att få oss betraktare att tänka både en och två gånger kring dess funktion. Adea var med som stolt sponsor med två objekt. Verket Saltu, en soffa hängande i 500 meter rep i en stark stålram. Så här berättar lervik själv om verket:

Within the art world, what is called an installation is something that appears within the bounds of the relevant room—often a space rectangular in shape and painted white. The work itself is everything encompassed by the room or the intended surface. This white cube has been the standard of art exhibits since the early days of modernism. Despite frequent challenges to its normativity, everything still happens within that room. In Saltu, an architectural, fictive room is created by a black steel construction. Using 500 meters of rope, the same edifice functions structurally to suspend the sofa and thereby the visitor. The visitor’s experience is reminiscent of being inside a spider web installation by Tomás Saraceno.

Utöver Saltu visades även fåtöljen Ratio som kommer att sättas i produktion av Adea.

Så här säger Lervik om Ratio, som betyder ungefär ”förnuft” på latin:

It is not difficult to understand why furniture designers are so inspired by the minimalists, this group of artists who sought to limit subjective influence on their pieces and strove to use as few techniques as possible. Ratio shares the sparseness of the modernists’ visual language, but something more is happening here. The carved-out niches of the side panels are almost reminiscent of the architecture of the Maya civilization in the jungle of Central America thousands of years ago. The square shapes also offer other visual, sculptural effects which bring to mind 1960’s op-art artists like Bridget Riley. The longer the viewer spends contemplating the chair’s formalist framework, the farther the gaze and the depths move. A journey both minimalist and visual. 

Utställningen på Sven-Harrys konstmuseum pågick mellan den 23:e januari till 9:e februari.